Privacy policy

Updated June 1st, 2023 is run by:
System Shift Labs ApS
Islands Brygge 83A, 6.
DK-2300 København S
Phone: +45 21 47 81 77

The purpose of is to showcase and make available the work by the System Innovation Initiative and System Shift Labs ApS. The System Innovation Initiative was launched in 2019 with funding from the ROCKWOOL Foundation in Denmark.

What data do we collect and how do we use it?

The System Innovation Initiative collects and stores the following data on you:


If you choose to sign up for our newsletter, we will ask you to provide your email address and country. Providing your name, organisation and job title is optional. We store this info using Mailchimp. We use your email address to send you newsletters when we have news to share and your country to communicate in a relevant language. If you have provided your name, organisation and/or job title we may use this information to send you news we consider relevant specifically to you - that could be an event in your country or the field your organisation operates in.

You can unsubscribe the newsletter anytime by clicking the link in our emails where indicated, or by emailing us. After unsubscribing, Mailchimp will keep your email address stored on an ‘unsubscribed-list’ in order to make sure that you will not receive any more newsletters from us.

Read about Mailchimp security here: and the Mailchimp data processing addendum here:

Relationship Management

If you participate in an event or interact with us in a more substantial way, we may store your name, provided email, provided phone number, organisation and position in our contact management system. We may also store what events you have attended. We use this information to make sure that we are relevant in our communication with you when we interact.

We use Airtable for our contact management system. Read about Airtable security here: and their Privacy Policy here:


This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorised as necessary are stored on your browser as they as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.

We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will only be stored on your browser with your consent to do so. You have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You can decline any cookies when you first visit the site - or change your cookie consent at any time by clicking the link below:

The website is hosted on Squarespace. Read the Squarespace data processing addendum here: and the Squarespace privacy policy here:

Data protection

We do our very best to keep your data safe and we will not in any circumstances share your data with any 3rd party. Get in touch if you have questions, want to inquire about any data we may have on you or want to be permanently deleted in some or all records.

General contact: or Johannes Björkman: / +45 2147 8177.